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Lloyd Hancock

Creative Partner

With vast experience of working in
all types of agencies, Lloyd has formulated new methods of running creative departments and agencies.

He's worked as Creative Director at Cato Johnson (seven years,with two years as joint world-wide CD), Wunderman (two years), Grey Direct (five years), Aspen Group (two years) and co -founder at MCS, a creative independent.

Lloyd has won numerous awards in advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and corporate film.

When he's not working he can be found watching rugby and enjoying
a pint of bitter, swinging a golf club and enjoying a pint of bitter, making music and enjoying a pint of bitter,
or alternatively... just enjoying a pint of bitter.

Marcus Murphy

Client Director

Marcus is NOHA’s Client Services Director. Trained as a Graphic Designer and creative, Marcus worked on a number of FMCG, food and drink accounts including Bulmers Cider, Unilever, United Distillers, Cutty Sark Whisky, Craft, Walls and Elida Gibbs. Following a strong desire to get closer to the client and the brief, Marcus spent increasingly more time with clients directly the better to understand their needs, desires and expectations. Prior to joining NOHA in 2008 Marcus was a partner in Holly Benson Communications for 10 years, a business that was sold to Real Affinity PLC in 2006.

The internal workings and management of these businesses meant less and less time with clients and the move to NOHA and a ‘no nonsense’ agenda means Marcus is working where he is best, working directly with clients and solving communications problems.

Jonathan Bowker

Head of Digital

Jonathan is NOHA's head of digital. He began his career in the City of London before moving to Turkey in the early 1990s to renovate a small village in southern Anatolia. After completion of the project, which was awarded a "Special Class Development" by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, Jonathan soldthe development so he could follow his passion and pursue a career in disruptive technologies.

In 2003 Jonathan started a digital services company to work with banking, property, media and leisure groups. He has created digital solutions for many organisations including Europelaw, Yachtworld and, Anadolu University, Fortis, Union of Hazelnut Producers (FISKOBIRLIK), Apple Mac - Bilkom, Turkcell, Isuzu, Fuji film, Sony Ericsson and Kemer Group.

Jonathan specialises in making technology understandable, usable and
valuable to businesses and helps them make better informed decisions based on solid and reliable data.

Martin Neagus

Director of Art

Martin started his career in Riyadh for Wren the US Design Consultancy working on government programmes and the oil industry.

Once back in London he worked at AMC, TBWA’s below-the-line agency 
as London Creative Director and was briefed to help them set up below-the-line creative teams across Europe, working on SEAT, Nissan, Bombay Sapphire and Kodak. Martin then joined Saatchi & Saatchi as a Senior Designer 
working on British Airways, Toyota, RAC, Mataxa, Laurent Perrier and the Citroen account.

Since then he's gained in depth experience working on blue chip accounts such as Rolls-Royce, BP, American Express, Ford, Castrol, Reed Business Publishing, IDV, TWA, Air Plus, Coca Cola, BT, Nokia, NHS, Sainsburys, Interbrew, Stella Artois, RBS, Barclaycard, BMW, and IBM.

Bob Pott

Head of Copy

With over 25 years in the business, Bob has worked with most of the NOHA team for far longer than is socially acceptable. He's worked at the highest level in a variety of large London agencies including advertising, direct marketing and sales promotion and is well versed in all media - TV, video, radio, press, direct mail, posters, POS and the worldwide web.

When he left his last blue chip London agency, he was responsible for 22 of 
the 24 awards on the reception wall.

Having worked on just about everything for everyone, his client experience reads like the A to Z of blue chip companies - American Express, BT, British Airways, CableTel, Coke, Ford, Hyundai, Kodak, Legal & General, Lexus, 
Malibu, NatWest, Rolls-Royce, Saab, Sainsburys, Toyota, Toshiba. Xerox, 
Yoghurt and Zentis.

There is a life outside the wonderful the world of advertising which centres around his family, an interest in all sports, an appreciation for music (listening not playing) and
the occasional beer or two...
honest doctor.


Carolyn Boddington
Client Director

Carolyn is a B2B marketing communications and social media specialist. She builds high performing marketing programmes for organisations wanting to grow. Carolyn has always stayed at the leading edge of marketing strategies and tactics to keep her clients ahead of the competition. She has an impressive track record in the IT and technology industry having worked with companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Compaq, Infobank, Nortel and Mercedes-Benz to name a few. When she's not working, she can be found either charging around the countryside on a big horse called Vinnie or cycling along the towpath at Henley hollering instructions to novice rowers.

Roddy Fisher

New Business Director

Roddy began his career in display advertising sales for Thames Valley Newspapers in Reading. During this time, he sold the first full-process colour double page feature in the Thomson Newspapers Group and won a Newspaper Society award for innovation.  He later enjoyed further sales roles with radio stations and advertising agencies. Roddy then worked with EMAP, Effective Media Management and the International Advertising Association, coordinating a number of high level pan-European advertising events including the launch of the International Media Management training course, an agency launch, a radio station launch, FIFA World Cup sponsorship and creation of sales channels for UK companies across America.

Roddy formed Customer Introductions Limited in 2008, and has worked with marketing and PR agencies in a business development capacity, helping them identify companies ranging from SME’s to Fortune 500, whose specific needs align with the core credentials and experience of the agency. Roddy was attracted to working with NOHA because of their “no hidden agenda” approach and the strategic capabilities of the team.

When not working Roddy spends time travelling the back roads of America, researching and writing a travel book, searching for one-of-a-kind Americana at every turn, visiting unique music venues, listening to smaller emerging artists and watching baseball.

John Phillips

Managing Director

John is NOHA’s Managing Director, Chief Strategist and Planner.
A graduate in English Literature from Cambridge University, John quickly realised that the City was not for him and left to pursue his love of communications. He has worked across all of the communications disciplines from advertising to social media and in agencies of different sizes and philosophies.  John founded NOHA in 2001 to devote his energies to working more closely with clients and to work alongside those colleagues whose abilities he admired the most. NOHA’s philosophy and business model create a more open and enjoyable working environment for its staff, better value for its clients and the opportunity to do interesting things with interesting people.

John’s particular NOHA highlights include creating the brand architecture for the world’s best loose cut diamonds and designing the world’s first multi-sensory bank in Colombia.

Derek Randell-Hall

Studio & IT Manager

Del is NOHA's studio manager and IT support guru. His extensive knowledge and unerring eye for detail and accuracy has been gained working as a studio manager in a number of large London agencies including Grey Direct, TBWA and Ogilvy One.

Del has worked on numerous blue-chip client accounts such as Midland Bank/HSBC, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Toyota, Hyundai, Emirates 
and Iberia.

Still harbouring a healthy respect for the traditional skills of paste-up, typography and classic design training, Del incorporates these into modern technology to give the best and most accurate work both online and offline.

The odd time Del does have to himself he can be found sitting at his 
piano, relaxing in the garden or playing the occasional game of golf with 
his colleagues.


M: 07860 809277


M: 07798 8945363


M: 07973 874543


M: 07867 807415


M: 07901 553232


M: 07775 697609


M: 07768 3067851


M: 07786 807408

Address: NOHA, Chiltern Court, St Peter’s Avenue, Caversham, RG4 7DH United Kingdom
Email: Telephone: +44 118 946 5895


Registered in England  Number: OC309243
Registered office: Picketts Mead, High Street, Cowden, Kent TN8 7JH




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